OOTD: Best men shoes from Rosewholesale
- En
In my first Rosewholesale order, i chosed also a pair of shoes for by boyfriend. I love those collections and i would really like to find some small sizes or same models even for womens. They are verry beautiful and i couldn't take the chance buy such beauty to my boy.
Rosewholesale is one of the best online store! They have a large collection for mens and womans. What i like the most is that items are 100% accurate size, verry cheap, high quality and like the picture.
Shoes/Papuci: http://goo.gl/s2ZIwS
They are sport but also elegant. The most important: works on any outfit. Sience i got them my boyfriend wear them daily. OMG! Have you seen the price? They are super cheap!
Took 2 weeks to arrive the order with expented shipping but i could say worth every minute. They are verry soft, elegant and verry comfortable. We love them! I would never buy again from another place! If you are searching for something great, you should buy from Rosewholesale!
- Ro
In prima comanda Rosewholesale, am ales si o pereche de papuci barbatesti pentru prietenul meu. Ador papucii barbatesti si chiar mi-ar placea sa gasesc marimi mai mici sau modele asemanatoare si pentru mine. Sunt extrem de frumosi si nu am putut sa rezist sa nu-i achizitionez si barbatului meu o pereche.
Rosewholesale este unul dintre cele mai bune magazine din care am cumparat pana acum! Au o colectie vasta de produs pentru barbati si femei. Ce imi place cel mai mult este faptul ca marimea produselor corespunde 100%, sunt extrem de ieftine, calitate ridicate si arata exact ca in poze.
Sunt sport dar si eleganti. Si cel mai important lucru: merg la orice outfit. Ii poarta zzilnic inca de cand i-a primit. OMG! Ai vazut si pretul? Sunt extrem de ieftini!
A durat circa 2 saptamani sa ajunga cu "expented shipping" darpot spune ca a meritat fiecare minut. Sunt foarte moi, eleganti si confortabili. Ii adoram! Nu cred ca as mai cumpara niciodata dintr-un site diferit, in afara de Rosewholesale! Daca esti in cautare de ceva minunat, cu siguranta ar trebui sa incerci produsele Rosewholesale!
Sincer,chiar imi place modelul. Cred ca si lu al meu i-ar placea. Are o problema sa fie talpa cat mai subtire,sa nu fie rigizi ,sa fie usori si lista este lunga. Mai pretentios ca o femeie! Eu nu detin nimic fara toc ,nici nu stiu sa merg in papuci. :-))