OOTD: Autumn outfit with Rosegal
[EN] Hello ladies! I'm back with first autumn outfit. I've ordered again some nice and affordable items from Rosegal. There are so manny items that i still have on my wishlist, like mini leather backpack. In fact, i have for today a cute bag that i whant to talk about. Keep watching!
This time i've decided creating an outfit with some basics clothes and accesories. On autumn i love to wear yellow, beige or brown.
I've seen this lovelly jacket who exceed my expectations. Is verry well made, from a solid material, verry heavy and warm and sleeve 3/4. Usually i was spend at least twice at his price to find something so good.
Tassel are verry fashionable this year, so when i've seen this item i believed is a must have for autumn. Unfortunatelly if you choose to buy this item you must be verry carrefull on them by falling down. I recomend you make some knots.
I choosed to wear him with a pair of brown leggings, white top and oxford shoes, also a black Rosegal hat and a dark green bag wich i love it.
The hat is verry nice, made by a soft material like velvet. I really recomend those hats. They are really cheap and well made.
The bag, oh....the bag. This is my favorite item from the entire order. Is a small bag but i think she is so unique. Remind me of traditional fashion wich i love so much. I must say the shoes and bags are verry well made. This bag could be weared as a handbag, but also with the golden chain that she came with.
I also decided to buy also this set of hair accesories. I have alot of friends who ask me make their hair. This is verry usefull to anyone. I dont know how much they will last, but for the price they are great. I didnt tried them so far, but cannot wait to do that. You can make a great hairstyles by using them.
[Ro] Astazi vorbim despre primul outfit de toamna. Este un outfit in nuantele toamnei, inspirat dintr-o noua comanda pe Rosegal.
Pe scurt, pentru cei care n-au reusit sa inteleaga partea in engleza, va voi spune cateva cuvinte de produsele alese de aceasta data.
Cardiganul mi-a intrecut orice asteptare! Este realizat dintr-un material extrem de bun si gros, cu maneca 3/4 si niste franjuri moderne. Este foarte dragut si calitativ, insa din pacate i-am gasit un defect. Modul in care au fost prinsi franjurii nu mi se pare cel mai inspirat. Doua ate de chimie au fost trecute printr-un ochi, indoite practic. Daca tragi accidental de un capat, partea cealalta se va scurta pana iese firul de tot. Mi-am dat seama de acest lucru abia cand am inceput sa pierd cateva din fire. Am rezolvat acest aspect cu noduri intre fire.
Am adaugat tinutei o palarie neagra, foarte moale, cu aspect de catifea. Imi dorem de ceva vreme o palarie neagra. Rosegal are palarii foarte frumoase si lucrate atent, la preturi super bune. Daca esti o iubitoare de palarii, ti le recomand pe cele de aici.
In comanda am mai adaugat si o geanta superba, produsul meu favorit. E mica si nu incap foarte multe in ea, insa e perfecta ca aspect, modul in care a fost lucrata, iar ambalarea a fost exceptionala. Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost impresionata de fiecare data de calitatea gentilor si a incaltamintei de pe acest site.
Un produs pe care nu l-am incercat, dar care a insofit celelalte alegeri, este un set alcatuit din 4 piese, pieptene pentru tapat, 2 ustensile pentru coafuri si o clama de par. Nu stiu cat vor rezista acesteq, deoarece sunt dintr-un plastic dur, dar la pret au fost un chilipir.
Pe langa piesele mentionate mai sus, am adaugat tinutei un maieu simpli, alb, si o pereche de colanti tip blugi achizitionati in urma cu ceva vreme de pe Erry.
What do you think about today's outfit? Have you tried those items?
***Summer sales ongoing, all from 33% off. Use code RGEN for another 10% off!
Time for a new outfit!
Cardigan: http://goo.gl/4MYAev
Bag: http://goo.gl/aBYPzi

This time i've decided creating an outfit with some basics clothes and accesories. On autumn i love to wear yellow, beige or brown.
I've seen this lovelly jacket who exceed my expectations. Is verry well made, from a solid material, verry heavy and warm and sleeve 3/4. Usually i was spend at least twice at his price to find something so good.
Tassel are verry fashionable this year, so when i've seen this item i believed is a must have for autumn. Unfortunatelly if you choose to buy this item you must be verry carrefull on them by falling down. I recomend you make some knots.

I choosed to wear him with a pair of brown leggings, white top and oxford shoes, also a black Rosegal hat and a dark green bag wich i love it.
The hat is verry nice, made by a soft material like velvet. I really recomend those hats. They are really cheap and well made.
The bag, oh....the bag. This is my favorite item from the entire order. Is a small bag but i think she is so unique. Remind me of traditional fashion wich i love so much. I must say the shoes and bags are verry well made. This bag could be weared as a handbag, but also with the golden chain that she came with.

I also decided to buy also this set of hair accesories. I have alot of friends who ask me make their hair. This is verry usefull to anyone. I dont know how much they will last, but for the price they are great. I didnt tried them so far, but cannot wait to do that. You can make a great hairstyles by using them.

[Ro] Astazi vorbim despre primul outfit de toamna. Este un outfit in nuantele toamnei, inspirat dintr-o noua comanda pe Rosegal.
Pe scurt, pentru cei care n-au reusit sa inteleaga partea in engleza, va voi spune cateva cuvinte de produsele alese de aceasta data.
Cardiganul mi-a intrecut orice asteptare! Este realizat dintr-un material extrem de bun si gros, cu maneca 3/4 si niste franjuri moderne. Este foarte dragut si calitativ, insa din pacate i-am gasit un defect. Modul in care au fost prinsi franjurii nu mi se pare cel mai inspirat. Doua ate de chimie au fost trecute printr-un ochi, indoite practic. Daca tragi accidental de un capat, partea cealalta se va scurta pana iese firul de tot. Mi-am dat seama de acest lucru abia cand am inceput sa pierd cateva din fire. Am rezolvat acest aspect cu noduri intre fire.
Am adaugat tinutei o palarie neagra, foarte moale, cu aspect de catifea. Imi dorem de ceva vreme o palarie neagra. Rosegal are palarii foarte frumoase si lucrate atent, la preturi super bune. Daca esti o iubitoare de palarii, ti le recomand pe cele de aici.
In comanda am mai adaugat si o geanta superba, produsul meu favorit. E mica si nu incap foarte multe in ea, insa e perfecta ca aspect, modul in care a fost lucrata, iar ambalarea a fost exceptionala. Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost impresionata de fiecare data de calitatea gentilor si a incaltamintei de pe acest site.
Un produs pe care nu l-am incercat, dar care a insofit celelalte alegeri, este un set alcatuit din 4 piese, pieptene pentru tapat, 2 ustensile pentru coafuri si o clama de par. Nu stiu cat vor rezista acesteq, deoarece sunt dintr-un plastic dur, dar la pret au fost un chilipir.
Pe langa piesele mentionate mai sus, am adaugat tinutei un maieu simpli, alb, si o pereche de colanti tip blugi achizitionati in urma cu ceva vreme de pe Erry.
What do you think about today's outfit? Have you tried those items?
***Summer sales ongoing, all from 33% off. Use code RGEN for another 10% off!
Time for a new outfit!
Imi place foarte mult tinuta ta.
RăspundețiȘtergereCe tinuta faina! Cardiganul e superb!